Introducing the 'Enthusiasm for Your Curb' Video ProjectIntroducing the 'Enthusiasm for Your Curb' Video Project
Waste360 wants you to record your thoughts about trash and recycling collection in your neighborhood.
“Enthusiasm for Your Curb” is a new video project from the editors of and Waste Age magazine that asks you to think about what happens at your curb on trash and recycling collection day. We want your video description of how your garbage and recycling is collected, what you like about it and what you’d change if you could.
Everyone is welcome to submit a video, from private citizens, to small businesses, to corporations. Whether you live in a suburban cul-de-sac, a huge apartment block, or a farm miles from the next house, we want to hear your thoughts on what you throw away. Be as creative as possible, as we will be sharing these videos with our readers (and anyone else interested in the subject).
Just upload your video to YouTube (be sure to include "Enthusiasm for Your Curb" in the title or description and make sure it’s embeddable) then email a link to [email protected]. By submitting your video, you give Waste Age, and Penton Media permission to republish it and make use of it in promotions and other efforts.
Possible questions to tackle in your video:
· What makes your area’s trash and recycling collection unique?
· What do you like about the way waste is handled in your area? Is it particularly convenient? Do you have single-stream recycling (all recyclables in one bin)? Does your recycler accept all numbers of plastic?
· What don’t you like about waste collection in your area? Too expensive? Too infrequent? Lack of recycling? Lack of yard waste collection and composting?
· If you had your druthers, what would you change? Would you add more collection days? Would you be interested in curbside food waste collection? E-waste recycling?
So grab your video camera, sidle up to a trashcan, and show us some enthusiasm for your curb!
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