Cart Smarts: Changing Behavior to Combat Contamination (WasteExpo 2021)

July 22, 2021


It’s no secret that behavior change can lead to decreased contamination in the recycling stream. By reducing landfill materials; combating “wishcycling;” improving communication, training and education programs; utilizing enhanced separation equipment and technologies in materials recovery facilities; etc., consumers and industry professionals alike can lower contamination. Learn about these contamination-fighting efforts and effective recycling campaigns.

Gayle Love, Senior Division Director, Public Information and Outreach, Miami-Dade County Department of Solid Waste Management
Gene Ginn, Manager of Solid Waste & Recycling, City of Lakeland
Marissa Segundo, Senior Communications Strategist, RRS
Jessica Wright, Senior Project Manager, TRUE Advisor, LEED GA, ecoPreserve LLC

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