America's Recycling Discussion Heats Up: November's Top Recycling and Organics StoriesAmerica's Recycling Discussion Heats Up: November's Top Recycling and Organics Stories
Although America Recycles Day is a single event held in November, the discussion about the state of U.S. recycling continues to spotlight innovations in plastics and other areas. Learn more about the state of the industry through this month's top recycling stories on Waste360.
Although America Recycles Day is a single event held in November, the discussion about the state of U.S. recycling continues to spotlight innovations in plastics and other areas. Learn more about the state of the industry through this month's top recycling stories on Waste360.
Greenpeace vs Recycling: What Wasn't Said
Chaz Miller
Circular Claims Fall Flat Again is Greenpeace’s latest assault on plastic recycling. Not only does Greenpeace say it is failing now, they confidently predict it will always be a failure. Instead, we should phase out all single-use plastics and shoot for “at least 50 percent reusable packaging by 2030.” Greenpeace came to bury plastic recycling, not to praise it.
Emerging Plastics Recycling Technologies: Where Are They Headed? Part 1
Arlene Karidis
Plastics have multiple applications, and they are cheap to produce. But the explosion in manufacturing and consumption far outstrips the capacity to manage them at the end of life. The flow of plastic into the ocean is projected to nearly triple by 2040, and the current methods of handling the waste comes with steep expenses that overshadow the low cost of virgin plastics, says The Pew Charitable Trusts.
What Does the Future of Wood Recycling Look Like?
Liz Bothwell
A recent webinar hosted by TOMRA asked, “What is the future of wood recycling?” TOMRA’s mission is to transform how the planet's resources are obtained, used and reused, to enable a world without waste; the company provides technology-based advanced collection and sorting systems.
Five Battery Recycling Tips For America Recycles Day
Waste360 Staff
Battery recycling isn't always easy, but it is necessary. Here are five tips on how to integrate battery recycling into your life.
Recycling Markets Stumbling in Our Shapeshifting Economy
Chaz Miller
$169.75 per ton. That was the average value of northeastern MRF recyclables this Spring. When the Northeast Recycling Council started reporting the average value, in the second quarter of 2019, it was only $45.13 a ton. Then it went down $10 a ton, plodded along for a year and took off. In the third quarter of 2021, the value peaked at $175.95. NERC’s 2022 third quarter report will definitely be lower.
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