Using Data and Technology to Drive Food Waste Reduction (WasteExpo 2018)Using Data and Technology to Drive Food Waste Reduction (WasteExpo 2018)
May 30, 2018
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A panel of experts and entrepreneurs will discuss how data and technology is being used to develop successful organics recycling programs, address collection efficiencies, and provide solutions to reduce food waste and ensure recovery of food scraps.
Moderator: Leah Lizarondo, CEO, 412 Food Rescue
B2B Solutions for Reducing Food Waste & Increasing Your Bottom Line. Paul Lang, BlueCart. NY
Using Data to Drive Food Waste Reduction. Ricky Ashenfelter, CEO, Spoiler Alert. MA
Solving Your Company’s Dumbest Problem: Food Waste. Komal Ahmad, CEO, Copia. CA
Using Analytics to Minimize Shrink through Behavioral & Operational Changes. Ryan Begin, CEO, Divert, Inc.
Click here for more conference program sessions from WasteExpo 2018.
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