Composting and Organics Diversion Programs for Food Waste Generators (WasteExpo 2019)Composting and Organics Diversion Programs for Food Waste Generators (WasteExpo 2019)

May 29, 2019

This will be a full-scale workshop on how to start a successful composting program for all waste generators including municipal, educational, health care, hospitality, food service and many more. This workshop will cover all aspects of successful organics diversion programs.  Attendees will learn all they need to start and maintain a diversion program where they live and work.  The environmental and economic benefits of organics diversion will be reviewed. The financial benefits related to waste diversion and organics recycling will be explained. This workshop should be attended by anyone interested in organics diversion, composting and zero waste to landfill.

Instructor: Gary Bilbro, EcoSafe® Zero Waste

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