New Jersey Transfer Station Proposal on Hold Pending Bridge RepairsNew Jersey Transfer Station Proposal on Hold Pending Bridge Repairs
Consideration of results from a traffic study for the proposed site is on hold pending the completion of repairs to a bridge near the site.

A proposal for the construction of a solid waste transfer facility in Howell, N.J., has been put on hold until repairs for a nearby bridge are completed.
According to a report, members of the Monmouth County board are waiting to consider the results of a traffic study that is being conducted in connection with the proposed transfer station until bridge repairs are finished. The transfer station, which would be established by Resource Engineering, would receive thousands of tons of cleanup and construction debris by truck each day.
The county stated that the repairs to the bridge are expected to be completed by the end of January. The bridge, which is located on Ramtown-Greenville Road, isĀ important to the study. has more details:
A Monmouth County board is waiting for repairs to be completed to a bridge before its members consider the results of a traffic study that is being conducted in connection with the proposed construction of a solid waste transfer facility in Howell.
Resource Engineering has proposed establishing a solid waste transfer station at 34 Randolph Road, Howell, near the intersection of Route 547, a county road.
As previously described by the company, the transfer station would receive thousands of tons of cleanup debris and construction debris by truck each day. The debris would be sorted and then leave the transfer station for final disposal at other facilities.
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