Dinwiddie County, Va., Getting Rid of Unsupervised Waste CentersDinwiddie County, Va., Getting Rid of Unsupervised Waste Centers
April 8, 2015
The county is working to clean up its appearance.
For the last three years, an initiative has been put in place to do away with unsupervised dump sites in the-most rural areas of the county and replace them with gated, supervised waste facilities. The first supervised dump opened in 2001 and to date, there are six waste convenience center locations and four unsupervised areas left in the county.
“[The unsupervised sites were] for people to dump their trash in a controlled environment. People began throwing their trash on the ground, so we switched to supervised sites to make them look presentable,” said Phillip Harris, code compliance officer. “It’s an eyesore to the community. People throw deer in them, dogs or cats anything they want to.”
Citizens living near these unsupervised sites also have been complaining.
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