New Processing Technology Converts Waste Packing Peanuts Into Carbon Electrodes For Lithium-Ion BatteriesNew Processing Technology Converts Waste Packing Peanuts Into Carbon Electrodes For Lithium-Ion Batteries
March 23, 2015
Tens of millions of the little polystyrene peanuts we use to ship products end up in landfills every year, and they stay there for a very long time without providing much use to anybody. Now, researchers have discovered how to make good use of these packing peanuts at the same time make it a little bit easier on the environment.
A team of researchers at Purdue University were able to convert packing peanuts into high-performance anodes, one of two battery electrodes that contain lithium ions during charging. The new technology will be able to allow people to charge their devices much faster than conventional batteries, which have anodes made from graphite, a material that is 10 times thicker and exhibits far more electrical resistance than the new anodes.
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