Jurisdiction-Wide Organics Program Implementation (WasteExpo 2023)Jurisdiction-Wide Organics Program Implementation (WasteExpo 2023)

June 15, 2023


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California’s Senate Bill 1383 imposed state-wide requirements for jurisdictions to implement organics recycling programs which include food and yard trimmings. As a result, many jurisdictions have been scrambling to get into compliance, coordinating with haulers, businesses, multi-family complexes, and single-family residences to set up programs, educate participants, and monitor participation. Best practices of setting up jurisdiction-wide organics programs, including several case studies, will be discussed.


  • Judi Gregory, President, Go2Zero Strategies (Moderator)

  • Jessica Aldridge, Sustainability Director, Athen's Services

  • Cory Oskardmay, Project Manager, Go2Zero Strategies

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