Interview with Gerald Belanger of Superior Medical Waste Disposal

From humble beginnings, working out of a painter’s van to seeing his company expand into more than eight states with thousands of clients, Gerald Belanger, Owner and CEO of Superior Medical Waste Disposal, is delivering a specific service and is meeting the needs of the medical waste industry and he’s leading the way.

Gage Edwards, Content Producer

March 9, 2023

From humble beginnings, working out of a painter’s van to seeing his company expand into more than eight states with thousands of clients, Gerald Belanger is delivering a specific service and is meeting the needs of the medical waste industry and he’s leading the way.

Gerald Belanger is the Owner and CEO of Superior Medical Waste Disposal (SMWD), one of the largest privately owned medical waste services in all of Michigan. But it wasn’t always that way, as Gerald started out working out of a painter’s van, collecting small sharps containers from clients for proper disposal but now, Gerald’s company runs four trucks daily picking up sharps, blood waste, pharmaceuticals, hazardous chemicals, and even paper for shredding.

No business is too small for SMWD as Gerald’s company helps a ton of local tattoo parlors discard a ton of waste and was a big part of him building his business. Other waste companies would deem them too small or not worth the time it takes, but Gerald showed up, served a local shops and built a good relationship with them, creating repeat customers.

While the business is booming currently, SMWD wasn’t exactly safe from COVID-19 as all of its clients, such as local tattoo shops and dental offices, closed. However, Gerald and his company were able to serve a new need, helping to dispose of waste created by COVID-19 testing sites and became busier than ever.

When asked what advice he may give his past self or someone starting out, Gerald recommends that people should put the service first and focus on keeping the customer happy, no matter the size of your company or trucks.

You can find out more about Superior Medical Waste Disposal here.

About the Author

Gage Edwards

Content Producer, Waste360

Gage Edwards is a Content Producer at Waste360 and seasoned video editor.

Gage has spent the better part of 10 years creating content in various industries but mostly revolving around video games.

Gage loves video games, theme parks, and loathes littering.

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