Specialized Landfill Operators Consider Dunn County, N.D., for New SiteSpecialized Landfill Operators Consider Dunn County, N.D., for New Site
March 10, 2015
1 Min Read
Nick and Jessica Dukart built their home on family land 6 miles southeast of Manning and find it hard to believe their dream lifestyle may one day be a little more than a mile from a lined pit for oil and gas production waste.
Tuesday night, they and others who live nearby will ask the Dunn County Planning and Zoning Board to let neighbors decide whether a landfill is the right fit for the land.
Zoning administrator Sandy Rohde said the county has not yet received an application from Secure Energy Services, but the company’s special waste landfill pre-application has been vetted by the State Health Department’s Waste Management Division.
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