Private Equity, Friend or Foe? Battling Odor Class Action LawsuitsPrivate Equity, Friend or Foe? Battling Odor Class Action Lawsuits
These lawsuits are not about serving the landfill neighbors (aka, the class) but merely to generate revenues for both the law firm and private equity firm. In this session, industry experts will share their perspectives on managing odor perception and defending landfills, class action lawsuits, financial and insurance considerations and more.
May 7, 2024
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In recent years, “odor-motivated” class action lawsuits against solid waste landfills have increased, and in some cases law firms are being funded by private equity as a money-making venture. These lawsuits are not about serving the landfill neighbors (aka, the class) but merely to generate revenues for both the law firm and private equity firm. In this session, industry experts will share their perspectives on managing odor perception and defending landfills, class action lawsuits, financial and insurance considerations and more.
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