Community Has Negative Reaction to the Greensboro, NC Plan to Move Landfill Waste

The city of Greensboro, N.C. held a community meeting earlier this week to discuss the plan to move toxic waste from one part of the city to another, leading to loud, negative feedback from residents.

June 14, 2024

1 Min Read
Dmitry Kaminsky / Alamy Stock Photo

The city of Greensboro, N.C. held a community meeting earlier this week to discuss the plan to move toxic waste from one part of the city to another, leading to loud, negative feedback from residents.

Those in attendance at the Peeler Community Center made themselves heard over the toxic waste plan, which would see the city move 12,000 dump truckloads of toxic soil from Bingham Park to the landfill on White Street. Community members claimed that this solution would only be moving the problem from one neglected community to another.

The plan would cost in the range of $24 million to $27 million to move the 280,000 tons of waste to White Street, which is the cheaper of several options for the city.

Some of the meeting attendees voiced concerns stemming from frustrations over racial disparity in the communities.

“Why do we have to take [the toxic soil] from one Black community and put it on another?” Malinda Pagett said.

Read the full article here.

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