CalRecycle and U.S. Department of Labor Crack Down on Ilegal Labor PracticesCalRecycle and U.S. Department of Labor Crack Down on Ilegal Labor Practices
March 15, 2015
In an effort to deter illegal labor practices within California’s beverage container recycling industry, CalRecycle announced Friday it had signed a three-year cooperative agreement with the U.S. Department of Labor’s Wage and Hour Division.
However, the move will have no noticeable effect on any of Mendocino County’s 12 beverage container recycling centers, or residents who use the facilities, said CalRecycle spokesman Mark Oldfield.
As part of the agreement, CalRecycle and WHD will share information and coordinate enforcement efforts to combat wage and hour violations, wage theft, fraud and other illegal labor practices against vulnerable workers at certified beverage container recycling centers across the state, according to a CalRecycle news release.
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