WasteExpo WiseWasteExpo Wise
April 29, 2012
Headed to Las Vegas for WasteExpo 2012? Not attending the show but still curious about what's going down? There are a number of digital resources available to you that will help you get the most out of the show.
First and foremost, make sure you are subscribed to the WasteExpo Show Daily. You can subcribe to it and the rest of Waste Age's e-newsletters here.
Next is a robust mobile app that will help you find your way around and keep you aprised of events and alerts during WasteExpo. Instructions for downloading across each platform:
For iPhone, iPod Touch and iPad Users: From your mobile device, visit the iOS App Store and search for "WasteExpo 2012."
For Droids and other Android-based phones: From your mobile device, visit Google Play and search for "WasteExpo 2012."
For all other phone types, including Blackberry and other web-enabled phones: Point your mobile device’s browser to http://m.core-apps.com/wasteexpo2012 (from there you will be directed to the proper app download for your specific device).
You can also follow our WasteExpo coverage on Twitter or like us on Facebook.
Finally, just stay tuned to waste360.com and The Heap for updates from the show.
Hope to see you on the show floor!
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