Vivendi Environment Active in AmericaVivendi Environment Active in America
November 1, 2001
Patricia-Anne Tom
A world-leader in environmental services, Vivendi Environment, Paris, began trading shares on the New York Stock Exchange on Oct. 5, 2001. Shares, in the form of American Depositary Receipts (ADRs), now can be traded under the symbol VE. Each ordinary Vivendi Environment share represents 100 ADRs.
This action follows the company's initial public offering, which occurred in Paris in July 2000, and emphasizes Vivendi's desire to expand its position in the United States.
“The listing also is a testament to Vivendi Environment's unwavering confidence in America's financial markets,” said Jean-Marie Messier, chairman of the company's supervisory board.
Vivendi Environment provides environmental services in the waste management, water, transportation and energy service industries. The company's U.S. market realizes approximately $6 billion in annualized sales.
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