Rethinking Your Safety Program (WasteExpo 2021)
July 22, 2021
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The importance of safety culture in an industry that is in the top 10 most dangerous occupations is everything. Strong safety programs can help reduce industry fatalities, injuries and illnesses, and possibly help remove the industry from the top 10 list. According to the Bureau of Labor Statistics’ (BLS) 2019 Census of Fatal Occupational Injuries Summary, refuse and recyclable material collectors dropped to become the sixth deadliest occupation, and according to its 2019 Employer-Reported Workplace Injuries and Illness report, the overall injury rate for the waste and recycling industry remained steady at 4.2. In an effort to lower these rates and improve safety, it’s time to rethink the industry’s safety programs. Learn about the four domains of safety leadership, how technology can improve employee and operational safety and how adopting a new safety meeting model can help drive organizational performance.
Christopher Bergacs, Director of Safety and Logistics, Mazza Recycling Services
Kirk Sander, Chief of Staff and Vice President of Safety and Standards, National Waste and Recycling Association
Mike Urane, Co-founder and General Manager, Hill Country Waste Solutions
Rob Ashlaw, Industry Account Manager, Caterpillar Safety Services
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