Massachusetts Nonprofit Urges Islanders to Cut Food Waste

May 22, 2020

1 Min Read

A nonprofit group on Martha’s Vineyard is holding a food waste challenge to encourage residents to reduce food waste.

The Island Grown Initiative (IGI), a food equity and education nonprofit, plans this week to launch the first step of its six-week food-waste education program, which consists of imparting a clear realization of how much food each household disposes of daily.

The purpose of the initial two-week audit period is to have families measure the amount of food scraps they throw away and consider why that food isn’t being eaten, says Eunice Youmans, project director at IGI.

IGI is asking residents to measure their food waste for three meals a day, five days a week, using a camera or smartphone, a scale, and a bucket, and to log the information in a notebook.

Read the original article here.

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