Improper Disposal of E-Waste Likely Caused Recycling Truck Fire in FloridaImproper Disposal of E-Waste Likely Caused Recycling Truck Fire in Florida
Orange Country, Florida is using a recent recycling truck fire to teach its residents about the dangers of hazardous waste.
July 24, 2023

Orange Country, Florida is using a recent recycling truck fire to teach its residents about the dangers of hazardous waste.
Last week, a recycling truck in Orange County, Fl. broke out in flames due to improper waste disposal. Across the world, these kinds of fires are popping up in trucks and facilities due to several common items, such as vapes and other items housing lithium-ion batteries, being thrown away improperly.
The fire for this Orange Country truck was likely caused by rechargeable batteries, according to officials.
“Don’t put household hazardous or electric waste in the recycling or garbage cart,” reads a statement from the government.
Household hazardous waste includes paint, batteries, fluorescent lightbulbs, cooking oil, motor oil, and a handful of other materials that need to be disposed of in specific ways. Electric waste includes electronics such as cell phones, computers, and more.
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