Waste Water Recycling Pilot Coming to Waterloo, Ontario, CanadaWaste Water Recycling Pilot Coming to Waterloo, Ontario, Canada

A new pilot project that will work to reuse greywater in households is coming to the Waterloo area using an innovative Hydraloop filtration system.

May 16, 2024

1 Min Read
Lasse Kristensen / Alamy Stock Photo

A new pilot project that will work to reuse greywater in households is coming to the Waterloo area using an innovative Hydraloop filtration system.

The Hydraloop is the first of its kind for Ontario, Canada, and supposedly will save homeowners tens of thousands of liters of water each year. The greywater from homes will be collected from sources such as the shower and can be used for things like toilets and washing machines.

"Even if the homeowner does nothing at all if they’re not even being cognitive of their water use when they’re having showers or washing their clothes, they can save a minimum of 10,000 gallons of potable water, which is around 40,000 liters in a year," said Melissa Lubitz, the business development director from Hydraloop.

“The region of Waterloo has groundwater sources that are really limited and precious. So, we’re always looking for ways to reduce the water use in the community,” said Water Programs Supervisor with the region, Dan Meagher.

Read the full article here.

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