PittBoss™ Evaporates High-Solid-Content Water Without Pumps or Clogged NozzlesPittBoss™ Evaporates High-Solid-Content Water Without Pumps or Clogged Nozzles

February 8, 2021

2 Min Read

GRAND JUNCTION, Colo., Jan. 27, 2021 (GLOBE NEWSWIRE) -- Companies using standard evaporation systems to deal with high-solids industrial wastewater will be pleased to learn that RWI Enhanced Evaporation’s Apex 2.0 system, the PittBoss™, enhances pond evaporation rates without pumps, filters, or nozzles that clog, or other costly maintenance issues.

Instead, the PittBoss uses a powerful fan to take less-humid air from above the containment pond and force it down onto the water’s surface. This boosts evaporation in several ways. The high volume of moving air increases evaporation rates just as a strong wind would do.

This forced air causes surface liquids to move faster than liquids below the surface. The drag from subsurface liquids causes waves that crest and crash. This action forms droplets that increase surface area. Additional surface area boosts evaporation.

The ripples themselves increase surface area, further enhancing natural evaporation.

By evaporating the water content, the PittBoss significantly reduces the volume and weight of the waste material, slashing disposal costs. It accomplishes this without releasing any particulate pollutants into the air. 

Drying the waste allows proper disposal on land instead of by injection, further cutting costs. Reclaiming of valuable rare earth metals is easier from solids than from liquids.

In oil and gas regions, many operators are looking to reduce costs associated with transporting and disposing of produced water. There are also increasing ESG concerns regarding SWDs.

A client in Colorado has used the PittBoss’s greater evaporation efficiency to delay spending three quarters of a million dollars to build a second containment pond. The client has also regained 4-6 hours of productive employee time every day, time that previously was spent cleaning sludge from clogged spray nozzles.

RWI has designed the unit for use in a number of industries including oil and gas, landfills, power plants, mining, pulp and paper, wineries and distilleries and more. RWI can efficiently concentrate any process stream while maintaining a clean environmental footprint.

About RWI Enhance Evaporation: 
The company currently has evaporation equipment in 30 states and 17 countries in many different industries. They engineer their systems to evaporate all types of water including wastewater, produced water, storm runoff water and more. They offer floating evaporators as well as trajectory evaporators.

Michelle Eardley 

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