Van Dyk Recycling Solutions Introduces Günther SPLITTER Screen to Its Line of MRF EquipmentVan Dyk Recycling Solutions Introduces Günther SPLITTER Screen to Its Line of MRF Equipment

February 3, 2022

1 Min Read

Van Dyk Recycling Solutions welcomes their newest equipment partner Günther to continue
supplying world-class recycling solutions to the North American market. The German
manufacturer specializes in screening technology and is the original designer and producer of
the spiral shaft screen technology. Günther patented their SPLITTER® screen in 2004.

The SPLITTER® screen is a primary separation device for sizing materials at the front end of MRF
systems. The screen is highly customizable in size and application and operates effectively at
high capacities. Its open-ended design is non-wrapping, self-cleaning and very low

For more information on this new technology, contact Van Dyk Recycling solutions at 203-967-
1100 or at [email protected]

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