Recycle Bin Contamination Increases Costs for Canora, Calif. ResidentsRecycle Bin Contamination Increases Costs for Canora, Calif. Residents
May 21, 2021

The city of Canora, CA has a recycling problem. Contamination in blue residential recycling bins has created a big problem and has resulted in changes to the collection process. Waste hauler, Ottenbreit Sanitation Services, will no longer empty the blue recycling bins if they contain black garage bags.
The problem with contamination occurs when residents include garbage in their recycling bins. When this material is mixed in with the load, the recycling depot is unable to sort the material and then it has to be re-loaded and trucked to a landfill.
When this happens, the Town is charged additional fees for the extra handling and disposal of the material. And when the Town’s collection costs increase, they are passed on to residents.
Read the complete story here.
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