Reading, UK Adding 6,000 Homes to Plastic Film Recycling ProgramReading, UK Adding 6,000 Homes to Plastic Film Recycling Program
Thousands of households are to be added to a recycling trial that has seen success in Reading, Berkshire, UK.
August 6, 2024

Thousands of households are to be added to a recycling trial that has seen success in Reading, Berkshire, UK.
The trial recycling program was first rolled out to 4,000 homes that saw households put plastic film waste and bags in designated blue bags for curbside collection. Now, the second wave of the trial is adding 6,000 more households to the program.
Residents will be given blue bags to use for the plastic waste and will place them in their normal recycling bins to be collected.
“It's been really pleasing to see the blue bags flowing through the sorting belts at our re3 Material Recycling Facility, and we are pleased that more residents will benefit from this trial,” said Karen Rowland Reading Borough Council's lead councilor for environmental services.
“The curbside collection of plastic bags and wrapping has a significant impact in a reduction of what’s left in residents’ grey waste bins, helping us recycle as much waste as possible.”
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