Perma-Fix Partners with UA Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 598 on Hanford Tank Waste Grouting and DisposalPerma-Fix Partners with UA Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 598 on Hanford Tank Waste Grouting and Disposal

July 18, 2023

3 Min Read
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TLANTA,-- Perma-Fix Environmental Services, Inc. (NASDAQ: PESI) (the “Company”) today announced it held a Project Labor Agreement (PLA) signing event with UA Plumbers & Steamfitters Local 598, on July 14, 2023. The goal of this partnership is to supply the Perma-Fix Northwest Facility (PFNW) with the organized labor force needed to take on the challenges of providing a supplement treatment alternative to include concrete-like grout for Hanford's Low Activity Tank Waste. This supplemental capability would support U.S. Department of Energy’s (DOE) glassifying process provided by the Hanford Vitrification Plant for safe transport and disposal off-site. A number of key government officials and community leaders attended the event to express support for the project.

The U.S. Department of Energy has been exploring options to add more waste treatment capacity for the 56 million gallons of radioactive and hazardous chemical waste currently stored in underground tanks on the Hanford Reservation.

"Local 598 has always insisted that the men and women performing waste treatment and disposal work must have access to the best safety and health representation possible," stated Nickolas Bumpaous, Business Manager of Plumbers and Steamfitters Local 598. "Assuming the Department of Energy continues to consider the process of grout for Hanford's least radioactive tank waste, we want to ensure they have access to the highest skilled and safest labor force in the industry. Our Partnership with Perma-Fix will ensure that the U.S. DOE has a local contractor with the know-how, skills and safety culture required to achieve Hanford's cleanup mission".

"We are honored to partner and receive the strong support of Local 598, as well as local and government officials, on this important project," noted Mark Duff, President and Chief Executive Officer at Perma-Fix Environmental Services. "We share a combined commitment to the highest levels of safety and environmental stewardship in supporting Department of Energy's Hanford tank remediation mission. We believe this relationship with Local 598 increases the value of our offering to DOE while providing a treatment option that can accelerate the reduction of environmental liability in the region."

About United Association of Plumbers & Steamfitters Local Union 598

United Association of Plumbers & Steamfitters Local Union 598 was established on December 29th, 1944, during the height of the Manhattan Project with the primary goal of supporting the construction of plutonium production reactors and associated processing facilities sited at the Hanford reservation. Our Signatory Contractors and the members of Local Union 598 form a team that serves twenty-one counties in Eastern Washington and Northeastern Oregon and continues to lead the industry with the highest level of training, professionalism and workplace safety on projects ranging from schools to nuclear facilities.

About Perma-Fix Environmental Services

Perma-Fix Environmental Services, Inc. is a nuclear services company and leading provider of nuclear and mixed waste management services. The Company's nuclear waste services include management and treatment of radioactive and mixed waste for hospitals, research labs and institutions, federal agencies, including the DOE, the U.S Department of Defense (“DOD”), and the commercial nuclear industry. The Company’s nuclear services group provides project management, waste management, environmental restoration, decontamination and decommissioning, new build construction, and radiological protection, safety and industrial hygiene capability to our clients. The Company operates four nuclear waste treatment facilities and provides nuclear services at DOE, DOD, and commercial facilities, nationwide.

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