New Solar Powered Recycling Bins Help OU Campus Cut Down on WasteNew Solar Powered Recycling Bins Help OU Campus Cut Down on Waste

A new technology on campus at the University of Oklahoma is helping recycling crews know when to collect tossed materials.

November 2, 2023

1 Min Read
oklahoma univeristy MR1540.jpg
Andre Jenny / Alamy Stock Photo

A new technology on campus at the University of Oklahoma is helping recycling crews know when to collect tossed materials.

While the action of throwing something into a bin isn’t changing for students, they’ll just be throwing recyclables into new, solar-powered bins. The bins have sensors built into them that alert recycling teams once it is more than halfway full.

"We have it set up to tell us when they’re 60% full so that gives us a day or two to go out and collect," said Cory Sauser, the manager of building services.

"It’s really nice to get the notifications when we have to go empty the trash cans rather than drive by them daily and check them. It’s making our recycling shop a little more efficient and it’s helped with the diversion rate.”

Using solar technology, the University of Oklahoma hopes to be greener fiscally and globally.

"The more trash we throw away, the more it costs us because of the tons we’re taking to the city. The more we recycle, the more it benefits our department," Sauser said.

The Oklahoma Department of Environmental Quality granted the university over $23,000 for the pilot program.

Read the full article here.

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