Grand Rapids Recycling Center Closing for UpgradesGrand Rapids Recycling Center Closing for Upgrades
The Kent County Recycling and Education Center in Grand Rapids, Mich. Will close for about a week as upgrades are installed to the facility.
October 17, 2023

The Kent County Recycling and Education Center in Grand Rapids, Mich. Will close for about a week as upgrades are installed to the facility.
According to the Kent County Department of Public Works, the upgrades will happen from October 24 to October 31, effectively closing the facility while the work is done.
The county is asking residents to hold on to their recyclables until the upgrades have finished so they can be processed when the facility reopens. However, in the meantime, recyclables will be sent to the nearby Waste to Energy Facility.
The facility will still have an open drop-off window which will remain open during the duration of the work. Those materials dropped off will be stored and then processed when the facility reopens.
“The upgrades made at the Recycling and Education Center will help ensure our equipment is up to date and the facility is running as efficiently as possible to meet the recycling needs of West Michigan communities,” Isaac Thaler, resource recovery and recycling manager with the Kent County Department of Public Works.
The county said that the upgrades will include conveyor belt replacements, a rebuilt bailer, and a new glass cleanup system.
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