EU Sets Sights on Battery RecyclingEU Sets Sights on Battery Recycling

July 13, 2023

1 Min Read
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BERLIN,- Under the regulations, producers will be responsible for collecting set percentages of waste portable batteries (63% by the end of 2027 and 73% by the end of 2030). Moreover, they will have to meet dedicated collection objectives for waste batteries from light means of transport (51% by the end of 2028 and 61% by the end of 2031). 

The rules also impose mandatory minimum recycled content levels for new industrial, SLI and EV batteries as well as content documentation. And it sets recycling efficiency targets of 80% for waste nickel-cadmium and 50% for other batteries by the end of 2025.

The rules amount to a sea change in how battery materials are dealt with in the European Union and its largest economy and battery heartland Germany.

"The new EU battery regulation covers the entire battery lifecycle and ensures that critical raw materials are reused as far as possible," explains Germany Trade & Invest (GTAI) battery expert Nicolas Brahami. "Batteries sold within the EU will have to adhere to sustainable production practices and responsible recycling processes, ultimately supporting Europe's transition to low-emission mobility."

"This marks an important step towards batteries becoming the first true closed-loop industry," adds Brahami. "The regulation will shore up the EU - and Germany specifically - as the leading location for investment across the entire battery materials value chain. At GTAI we've seen big interest from leading industry players, especially in the recycling sector, in investing in new capacities in Germany."

For background information, please listen to our podcast on battery recycling "Germany's New Gold Rush":

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