Corpus Christi, TX. Tests New Recycling Carts After Wind, Litter ConcernsCorpus Christi, TX. Tests New Recycling Carts After Wind, Litter Concerns

City officials in Corpus Christi, TX. are beginning tests on new recycling bins to help with an ongoing battle against wind-blowing contents throughout the city.

November 21, 2023

1 Min Read
littered street MR1540.jpg
Adrian Sherratt / Alamy Stock Photo

City officials in Corpus Christi, TX. are beginning tests on new recycling bins to help with an ongoing battle against wind-blowing contents throughout the city.

Wind seems to be a big problem when it comes to recycling carts in Corpus Christi, as recycling contents are regularly polluting city streets once bins have been blown over. To combat this, new carts, described as “innovative,” are designed with a pinch-release hatch, which enables a gravity lock release if knocked over.

The innovation comes as a solution to satisfy the community’s needs and “provide a cleaner and more sustainable city,” an official email states.

Around 200 latching lid bins have been distributed to the public, about 40 bins per each City Council district, for a 90-day trial. The trial will evaluate the performance of the new carts, according to city officials.

Read the full article here.

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