Minnesota Installing State’s First Geothermal Field in a LandfillMinnesota Installing State’s First Geothermal Field in a Landfill

The St. Louis County landfill is being worked on in Virginia, Minn. it will be the first in the state to feature a geothermal field.

September 27, 2024

1 Min Read
Michael Neelon / Alamy Stock Photo

The St. Louis County landfill is being worked on in Virginia, Minn. it will be the first in the state to feature a geothermal field.

Special pipes will be laid on plastic liners to capture the heat from the decomposing garbage. The heat from the field will then be used to heat a new leachate treatment plant which will be built soon.

“This is first time in the state of Minnesota, where a geothermal field is being installed at a landfill. We’ve had people from the state come up and look and say why haven’t we done this before?” said Steve Pellinen, Senior Planner for Environmental Services.

The new plant, aiming for a 2026 open date, will work to prevent PFAS from getting into the environment.

Read the full article here.

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