Writers GuidelinesWriters Guidelines

October 2, 2001

4 Min Read
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Waste Age Staff

Reader Profile

Waste Age reaches approximately 40,000 individuals and firms engaged in the removal and disposal of solid/hazardous wastes. This includes: refuse contractors, landfill operators, municipal, county and other government officials; recyclers and handlers of secondary materials; major generators of waste, such as plants and chain stores; engineers, architects and consultants; manufacturers and distributors of equipment; universities, libraries and associations; and legal, insurance and financial firms allied to the field. Our audience is approximately 19M+ private industry and 14.5M public sector solid waste managers.

Readers include: owners, presidents, vice presidents, directors, superintendents, engineers, managers, supervisors, consultants, purchasing agents and commissioners.

Waste Age's Editors

Bill Wolpin, Editorial Director: (770) 618-0112. E-mail: [email protected]


Contact Steve Ursery: (770) 618-0201. E-mail: [email protected]

Waste Age features provide in-depth coverage of every major business area of the industry, including: collection innovations - purchasing, leasing, financing and maintaining equipment - truck and fleet management - leachate and methane collection and control - wood and green waste processing - recycling - composting - stationary and onboard truck scales - computer and software systems - construction and demolition debris removal and recycling - hazardous and medical waste - odor control - safety - landfill management.

Feature articles should be approximately 1,000-2,500 words. Any accompanying sidebars should be approximately 500 words or less.

Business Trends: Business Trends analyze the news and current trends in our ever-changing waste industry. Among the topics are: collection and fleet management - transfer and transportation - insurance - processing and recycling - landfills - legislation - regulations.

Business Trends are 600-1,000 words.

Business Briefs:

Contact Stephen Ursery: (770) 618-0201. E-mail: [email protected]

Our Tip Off section offers a quick digest of current events and news, highlighting industry acquisitions, mergers and agreements, contracts, grants and sales. It includes: News Updates - Snapshots - Fast Facts - Quick Quizzes

Tip Off articles are 250-1,000 words.

Waste Age Product News:

Waste Age Product News highlights the products and services in every segment of the waste industry.

Writers’ Guidelines

1. FORMAT: There are several options for sending in material. The best way to send your article is by email to [email protected] Please fax a hardcopy so I can match it to the emailed version (sometimes email distorts quote marks, dashes, etc.). Save your article in ASKY format.

We use Microsoft Word 8.0 on a Macintosh computer system, so if you want to mail your article, a double-sided, double-density or high density Mac disk formatted in Microsoft Word is preferable. For writers using PCs, save the information as an ASKY text file.

Another option is sending the story in hard copy. Laser-printed, double-spaced copy is preferable so that we may scan it into our system.

NOTE: We prefer a short pitch letter or e-mail that describes the message of the piece; why our readers need to know about it; what they'll learn by reading it; and an outline of how you see the piece unfolding. Stories should be exclusive to Waste Age.

2. LENGTH: Feature articles should be approximately 1,000-2,500 words. Any accompanying sidebars should be approximately 650 words or less. Trends are 600-1,000 words. Tip Off aticles are 500-1,000 words. Please run your article by an editor before submiting it.

3. STYLE: Use the Associated Press Stylebook for reference. Write short paragraphs of three or four concise sentences, as these are easier to digest. Sentences usually should contain 30 words or less.

You may write your own headline and subheads (subhead character count approx. 20). They may/may not be used.

4. ACCOMPANYING INFORMATION: Please include a brief biography of the writer of the story, including name, title, position and office location.

5. CONTENT: Please include hard numbers wherever possible. If the information is complex, lists or tables may be used. If needed, an editor at Waste Age will provide questions or a list of information that should be covered in the story. Double check spelling of equipment and people names.

6. ACCOMPANYING ART: Please provide photos or slides with your article. Color is preferable, but black and white is acceptable. We can work with prints, slides or transparencies. We also can accept electronic images (on disk or via email). The specifications for electronic images are a minimum of 5x7" 300 dpi Mac EPS, TIFF or high-quality JPEG formats. Photos sent via email should be sent directly to me, and they should compressed with Stuffit Deluxe or equivalent. Make compressed files self-extracting.

Any diagrams, graphs or charts or other relevant visual information also are extremely helpful. These can be sent in hard copy or in a digital format that is a minimum of 5x7" 300 dpi in a Mac EPS, TIFF or high-quality JPEG format.

7. COPYRIGHT FORMS: We request all rights for articles. Stories should be exclusive to Waste Age. For articles that have been published elsewhere, we request you sign a limited rights form. A copyright form will be sent to you after submission of your material. Please sign and return it as soon as possible.

8. SOURCE POLICY: We know our writers have their own methods of ensuring that their articles are accurate. However, we prefer that you not fax manuscripts to your sources. If you or your sources have any questions, please refer them to Steve Ursery. Phone: 770.618.0310. E-mail: [email protected]

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