SWANA LFG Symposium GuideSWANA LFG Symposium Guide
March 1, 2002
Monday, March 25, 2002
5-8 p.m. Welcoming Reception and Table-Top Trade Fair
Tuesday, March 26, 2002
8:30-9:30 a.m. Opening Remarks and Keynotes, Mike McGuigan, Landfill Energy Systems
EPA's Perspective on LFG and Renewable Energy, Christine Todd Whitman (invited), EPA
Energy Security - LFG's Role in the National Energy Debate, J, Brandell, Congressman D. Camp, R-Mich.
10-10:50 a.m. Session 1: How Are We Doing? U.S. and Global Data on LFG Utilization, R. Huitric, Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts (LACSD)
The Importance of the LMOP Database: Use in Industry and EPA's Inventory of U.S. GHG Emissions, E. Scheehle, EPA Landfill Methane Outreach Program (LMOP)
International Project Developments: The Next Frontier for LFG Utilization, S. Cohen, Ameresco
10:50 a.m.-12 noon Session 2: LFG Markets: Old & New! L. Wilkinson, DTE Biomass Energy
Opportunities for LFG in Tumultuous Energy Markets, F. Greenberg
Strategies for Building Industrial and Commercial Demand for LFG, S. Atcha, World Resources Institute
Greenhouse Gas Credits: Lessons Learned in the Canadian Market, G. Herold, Sperling Hansen Associates
1:30-3 p.m. Session 3: LFG Engines, T. Shuput, SCS Field Services
Overview of engines recommended for LFG and operational issues.
3:15-5 p.m. Session 4: Siloxanes and Microturbines: Operational Experiences, C. Niizawa, Salinas Valley SWA
Siloxanes in Landfill and Digester Gas, E. Wheless, LACSD
Direct Measurement and Speciation of Volatile Organosilicons in LFG by Gas Chromatography with Atomic Emission Detection, S. Chao, Analytical Solution
Jamacha Landfill Microturbine Power Plant Case Study, J. Pierce, SCS
A Case Study of the Design and Electricity Producing Efficiency of Microturbines Fueled by LFG, R. Wall, IT Group — EMCON/OWT S.W Svcs.
Wednesday, March 27, 2002
8:30-10 a.m. Session 5: Field Measurements of Emissions, Percent Recovery, and Migration: Data from Europe, Africa, and the U.S., G. Vogt, SCS
Measuring Whole Landfill Methane Emissions in an Emissions Trading Environment, P. Czepiel, U. of N.H.
Evaluation of the Seasonal Variation of the Methane Mass Balance at a French Landfill, M. Diot-Morcet
A Field Study of Methane Emissions from Landfills in Semi-Arid Climactic Regions of South Africa, J. Morris, GeoSyntec Consultants
Cherokee County Landfill — LFG Migration Control Case History, P.J. Carrico, SCS Field Services
10:30 a.m.-12 Noon Session 6: LFG Oxidation: Bio-Strategies for Emissions Control, J. Bogner, Landfills+
Proper Bio-Covers to Enhance Methane Oxidation — Findings from a Two Year Field Trial, Marion Humer, U. of Agricultural Sciences, Vienna, Austria (invited)
Methane Oxidation and Degradation of Organic Compounds in Landfill Soil Covers, C. Scheutz, Technical U. of Denmark (invited)
A Stable Isotopic Technique for the Determination of Methane Oxidation in Landfill Cover Materials, J. P. Chanton, Florida State U.
12-1:30 p.m. The Beginnings of the LFG Industry, J. Pacey, ECOTECH, and B. Stearns, SCS
1:30-3 p.m. Session 7: LFG Utilization in CA, TN, PA and AZ: A Diversity of Case Studies, P. Paleyanda, SCS
A Case Study of Leachate Evaporation in the Development of a Successful LFG Utilization Project, J. Franklin, The IT Group
Developing a LFGTE Project on Native American Lands, Curt Ranger, DTE Biomass Energy
A Case Study in Flexibility — Evolution of GRS' Sacramento Medium BTU Gas Sales Plant, A. Siegwarth, Gas Recovery Systems
Fueling Daimler-Chrysler with Landfill Gas Benefits, B.R. Johnson, Superior Services/Onyx
3:30-5 p.m. Session 8: Compliance and Standards: U.S. and U.K. Perspectives, Jeff Pierce, SCS Engineers
Air Quality Compliance for Landfill Gas-to-Energy Projects, F. Caponi, LACSD
Enforcement of the NSPS and Title V Permits at Landfills: A New Era Dawns, A. Van Kolken Banister, IT Group
Development of a Sampling Protocol and Standards for U.K. Gas Generating Set Emissions, B. Gregory, Landfill Quality Management Ltd., SChEME, The U. of Nottingham
Updating EPA's Emission Factors for LFG Emissions? S. Thorneloe, EPA
Thursday, March 28, 2002
8:30-9:20 a.m. Session 9: LFG Risk Assessment: U.S. and U.K. Perspectives, Moderator: F. Caponi, LACSD
Development of a LFG Risk Assessment Model: GasSim, G. Attenborough, Golder Associates (U.K.)
Human Health Risk Assessment Issues for Landfills, P. Sullivan, SCS
9:20-10 a.m. Session 10: Innovative Strategies I: LFG Collection, Utilization, and Monitoring, A. Mulla-Saleh, CDM
Remote LFG Metering Systems, J. Van Hoy, DTE Biomass Energy
Two Case Studies on the Use of High Tech Wellheads for LFG Collection, F. Rice, Soiltech
10:15-11:30 a.m. Session 11: Innovative Strategies II: LFG Collection, Utilization, and Monitoring, Mike Murphy, CDM Federal Programs
Economic Feasibility and Performances of Two LFG Collection Systems: Optimization of the Amount of Biogas Recovered, C. Aran, CReeD.
Dragging Your Customers into a Medium BTU LFG Project, R. DiGia, DTE Biomass Energy
Controlling LFG When It Isn't LFG, L. LaFountain, New Cure
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