SWANA LFG Symposium GuideSWANA LFG Symposium Guide

March 1, 2002

4 Min Read
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Monday, March 25, 2002

5-8 p.m. Welcoming Reception and Table-Top Trade Fair

Tuesday, March 26, 2002

8:30-9:30 a.m. Opening Remarks and Keynotes, Mike McGuigan, Landfill Energy Systems

  • EPA's Perspective on LFG and Renewable Energy, Christine Todd Whitman (invited), EPA

  • Energy Security - LFG's Role in the National Energy Debate, J, Brandell, Congressman D. Camp, R-Mich.

    10-10:50 a.m. Session 1: How Are We Doing? U.S. and Global Data on LFG Utilization, R. Huitric, Los Angeles County Sanitation Districts (LACSD)

  • The Importance of the LMOP Database: Use in Industry and EPA's Inventory of U.S. GHG Emissions, E. Scheehle, EPA Landfill Methane Outreach Program (LMOP)

  • International Project Developments: The Next Frontier for LFG Utilization, S. Cohen, Ameresco

    10:50 a.m.-12 noon Session 2: LFG Markets: Old & New! L. Wilkinson, DTE Biomass Energy

  • Opportunities for LFG in Tumultuous Energy Markets, F. Greenberg

  • Strategies for Building Industrial and Commercial Demand for LFG, S. Atcha, World Resources Institute

  • Greenhouse Gas Credits: Lessons Learned in the Canadian Market, G. Herold, Sperling Hansen Associates

    1:30-3 p.m. Session 3: LFG Engines, T. Shuput, SCS Field Services

  • Overview of engines recommended for LFG and operational issues.

    3:15-5 p.m. Session 4: Siloxanes and Microturbines: Operational Experiences, C. Niizawa, Salinas Valley SWA

  • Siloxanes in Landfill and Digester Gas, E. Wheless, LACSD

  • Direct Measurement and Speciation of Volatile Organosilicons in LFG by Gas Chromatography with Atomic Emission Detection, S. Chao, Analytical Solution

  • Jamacha Landfill Microturbine Power Plant Case Study, J. Pierce, SCS

  • A Case Study of the Design and Electricity Producing Efficiency of Microturbines Fueled by LFG, R. Wall, IT Group — EMCON/OWT S.W Svcs.

  • Wednesday, March 27, 2002

    8:30-10 a.m. Session 5: Field Measurements of Emissions, Percent Recovery, and Migration: Data from Europe, Africa, and the U.S., G. Vogt, SCS

  • Measuring Whole Landfill Methane Emissions in an Emissions Trading Environment, P. Czepiel, U. of N.H.

  • Evaluation of the Seasonal Variation of the Methane Mass Balance at a French Landfill, M. Diot-Morcet

  • A Field Study of Methane Emissions from Landfills in Semi-Arid Climactic Regions of South Africa, J. Morris, GeoSyntec Consultants

  • Cherokee County Landfill — LFG Migration Control Case History, P.J. Carrico, SCS Field Services

    10:30 a.m.-12 Noon Session 6: LFG Oxidation: Bio-Strategies for Emissions Control, J. Bogner, Landfills+

  • Proper Bio-Covers to Enhance Methane Oxidation — Findings from a Two Year Field Trial, Marion Humer, U. of Agricultural Sciences, Vienna, Austria (invited)

  • Methane Oxidation and Degradation of Organic Compounds in Landfill Soil Covers, C. Scheutz, Technical U. of Denmark (invited)

  • A Stable Isotopic Technique for the Determination of Methane Oxidation in Landfill Cover Materials, J. P. Chanton, Florida State U.

    12-1:30 p.m. The Beginnings of the LFG Industry, J. Pacey, ECOTECH, and B. Stearns, SCS

    1:30-3 p.m. Session 7: LFG Utilization in CA, TN, PA and AZ: A Diversity of Case Studies, P. Paleyanda, SCS

  • A Case Study of Leachate Evaporation in the Development of a Successful LFG Utilization Project, J. Franklin, The IT Group

  • Developing a LFGTE Project on Native American Lands, Curt Ranger, DTE Biomass Energy

  • A Case Study in Flexibility — Evolution of GRS' Sacramento Medium BTU Gas Sales Plant, A. Siegwarth, Gas Recovery Systems

  • Fueling Daimler-Chrysler with Landfill Gas Benefits, B.R. Johnson, Superior Services/Onyx

    3:30-5 p.m. Session 8: Compliance and Standards: U.S. and U.K. Perspectives, Jeff Pierce, SCS Engineers

  • Air Quality Compliance for Landfill Gas-to-Energy Projects, F. Caponi, LACSD

  • Enforcement of the NSPS and Title V Permits at Landfills: A New Era Dawns, A. Van Kolken Banister, IT Group

  • Development of a Sampling Protocol and Standards for U.K. Gas Generating Set Emissions, B. Gregory, Landfill Quality Management Ltd., SChEME, The U. of Nottingham

  • Updating EPA's Emission Factors for LFG Emissions? S. Thorneloe, EPA

  • Thursday, March 28, 2002

    8:30-9:20 a.m. Session 9: LFG Risk Assessment: U.S. and U.K. Perspectives, Moderator: F. Caponi, LACSD

  • Development of a LFG Risk Assessment Model: GasSim, G. Attenborough, Golder Associates (U.K.)

  • Human Health Risk Assessment Issues for Landfills, P. Sullivan, SCS

    9:20-10 a.m. Session 10: Innovative Strategies I: LFG Collection, Utilization, and Monitoring, A. Mulla-Saleh, CDM

  • Remote LFG Metering Systems, J. Van Hoy, DTE Biomass Energy

  • Two Case Studies on the Use of High Tech Wellheads for LFG Collection, F. Rice, Soiltech

    10:15-11:30 a.m. Session 11: Innovative Strategies II: LFG Collection, Utilization, and Monitoring, Mike Murphy, CDM Federal Programs

  • Economic Feasibility and Performances of Two LFG Collection Systems: Optimization of the Amount of Biogas Recovered, C. Aran, CReeD.

  • Dragging Your Customers into a Medium BTU LFG Project, R. DiGia, DTE Biomass Energy

  • Controlling LFG When It Isn't LFG, L. LaFountain, New Cure

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