Solid Waste Association of North AmericaSolid Waste Association of North America
December 1, 1999
Gregory Warren
The Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA), Silver Spring, Md., which was founded in 1961 to exchange ideas and foster solid waste professionalism and education, has two divisions dedicated to landfill issues.
The Landfill Management Division works to provide practical solutions to planning, designing, constructing, operating and closing landfills. For more information, contact division director Chris Campman at (610) 256-5264.
With a 20-year history, the Landfill Gas Management Division is recognized as an authority on issues surrounding landfill gas control, management, utilization, technology, design, operation and maintenance of landfill gas systems. Keeping a global eye on controlling greenhouse gas emissions, this division's work increasingly has become more prominent. For more information, contact division chairman Mike Michels at (920) 894-4088. E-mail: [email protected]
Landfill Gas References * "Methane Generation and Recovery from Landfills," 1982 by EMCON;
* "Landfill Gas Operation and Maintenance Manual of Practice," 1997 SWANA;
* Database of landfill gas-to-energy (LFGTE) projects, 1999 SWANA;
* Video on LFGTE benefits by SWANA;
* Municipal Solid Waste Landfill Gas Design Plan Review Course by North Carolina State University;
* "Energizing Your Community with Landfill Gas Energy," by EPA's Landfill Methane Outreach Program;
* Proceeding from 22 Annual Landfill Gas Symposiums by SWANA;
* "Master Construction Specifications for Landfill Gas Conveyance Systems," by SWANA;
* "A Compilation of Landfill Gas Field Practices and Procedures," by SWANA; and
* "Landfill Reclamation Manual of Practice and Procedures," by SWANA.
Landfill Publications for Sale * "Landfill Gas Operation & Maintenance - Manual of Practice," 1997. No. GR-LG 0240. 285 pages. $75 for members, $100 for nonmembers.
* "A Compilation of Landfill Gas Field Practices and Procedures," 1992. No. GR-LG 0101. 77 pages. $37.50 for members, $52.50 for nonmembers.
* "Master Construction Specifications for Landfill Gas Conveyance Systems," 1995. No. GR-LG 0695. 95 pages. $60 for members, $95 for nonmembers. Disc format is available $120 for members, $200 for nonmembers. The disc plus manual set costs $150 for members, $250 for nonmembers.
* Annual International Landfill Gas Symposium Proceedings. $65 for members, $75 for nonmembers.
* Annual Landfill Symposium Proceedings. $65 for members, $75 for nonmembers.
* "Landfill Reclamation - Manual of Practice and Procedure," 1997. No. GR-D 2245. 99 pages. $35 for members, $45 for nonmembers.
* "Groundwater Monitoring, Sampling, Analysis and Well Construction," 1997. No. GR-D 0525. 115 pages. $35 for members, $45 for nonmembers.
* "Leachate Generation, Collection and Treatment at Municipal Solid Waste Landfills," 1997. No. GR-D 0535. 54 pages. $35 for members, $45 for nonmembers.
* "Evaluation of the Collier County, Florida, Landfill Mining Demonstration," 1993. No. MSW-D 1360. 47 pages. $14.50 for members, $18 for nonmembers.
* "A Compilation of Current Readings: Leachate Recirculation and Landfill Bioreactors," 1997. No. GR-D 0540. 90 pages. $27.50 for members, $32.50 for nonmembers.
* "Comparison of Models for Predicting Landfill Methane Recovery," 1998. No. GR-LG 0075. 100 pages. $55 for members, $80 for nonmembers (includes final report in Microsoft Excel format on disk).
* "Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management: Six Case Studies of System Cost and Energy Use - Springfield, Mass.; Scottsdale, Ariz.; Sevierville, Tenn.; Palm Beach County, Fla.; Minneapolis; Seattle," 1995. 1,040 pages $255 for members, $300 for nonmembers.
* "Integrated Municipal Solid Waste Management: Six Case Studies of System Cost and Energy Use - A Summary Report," 1995. 50 pages $42.50 for members, $50 for nonmembers.
* "Solid Waste Enterprise Funds - A Review of Four Case Study Communities," 1993. 125 pages. $35 for members, $50 for nonmembers.
* "Environmental, Economic and Energy Impacts of Material Recovery Facilities," 1995. 190 pages. $50 for members, $63 for nonmembers.
* Annual Hazardous Materials Management Conference Proceedings. $65 for members, $75 for nonmembers.
* "Household Hazardous Waste (HHW) Management: Guidance Document for the Development of Permanent HHW Programs," 1993. 111 pages. $35 for members, $50 for nonmembers.
* "Evaluation of the Weight-Based Collection Project in Farmington, Minn.," 1994. 17 pages. $5 for members, $7 for nonmembers.
* "Municipal Solid Waste Composting: A Status Report," 1995. 92 pages. $35 for members, $50 for nonmembers.
* "A Discussion of Waste Diversion Rates in the United States," 1994. 23 pages. $10 for members, $11.50 for nonmembers.
* "How To Win the Siting War: A Series of Case Studies on Siting Municipal Solid Waste Management Facilities," 1992. 30 pages. $10 for members, $11.50 for nonmembers.
* WASTECON - SWANA's Annual International Solid Waste Exposition Proceedings. $65 for members, $75 for nonmembers.
Training Materials SWANA offers several educational and training materials, which are designed to increase the level of understanding of MSW operations. Landfill manager training courses include:
* Landfill Gas System Operations & Maintenance;
* Operational Issues for Landfill Managers;
* Paying for Your Municipal Solid Waste System;
* Solid Waste Managers Workshop; and
* Strategic Outsourcing.
On-site training packages for landfill personnel include:
* Training Sanitary Landfill Operating Personnel;
* Training Collection Operating Personnel;
* Health & Safety at Landfills; and
* Waste Screening at Municipal Solid Waste Management Facilities.
Home study packages include:
* Managing Landfill Gas at Municipal Solid Waste Landfills;
* Groundwater Monitoring, Sampling, Analysis and Well Construction;
* Leachate Generation, Collection and Treatment at Municipal Solid Waste Landfills; and
* Waste Screening at Municipal Solid Waste Management Facilities.
By addressing current health and safety issues, regulatory developments, customer service techniques and operational practices, training packages are designed to assist with daily operations performed by managers, supervisors and operators. Each lesson in the training package is intended to be a module, which can be taught individually or with other modules to create an appropriate course length.
Each package includes one instructor's manual, five student manuals and visual aids (black and white overheads, color slides or CD-Rom PDF presentations). The total course contains approximately 10 to 15 hours of training, which can be taught on-site. SWANA recertification credit is available for instructors and attendees of the training package course. For more information on certification, phone: (301) 585-2898, ext. 245.
Current Readings SWANA offers individual papers that were presented at past SWANA Conferences and Symposia. This includes more than 500 papers authored by municipal solid waste management professionals representing all sectors and levels in the field. Papers have been published since 1993, many published within 1999. Among the paper topics are: landfill gas, landfills and landfill reclamation. To order a paper, e-mail: [email protected] or: [email protected] Papers cost $5.56 for members, $6.95 for nonmembers.
Landfill Questions Answered In addition to researching questions for its members, SWANA provides informational support through the Local Government Environmental Assistance Network (LGEAN). Anyone with a solid waste or landfill question can request that SWANA staff look for information through this program.
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