February 1, 1994
Stephen G. Lewis of Roy F. Weston Inc., Wilmington, Mass., has been named program committee chairman of the Solid Waste Management Association of North America. Also, Bruce E. Gledhill, the company's project director, has been elected president of the American Public Works Association Institute for Solid Wastes.... Robert A. Hawfield Jr. has joined Kennedy/Jenks Consultants, Federal Way, Wash., as manager of solid waste services in the Ventura, Calif., office.... Wellman Inc., Ripon, Wis., has appointed Don Hacker national sales manager of Wellman Extrusion.... Jesse R. Huff has been elected chairman of the California Integrated Waste Management Board, Sacramento, Calif.... Western Waste Industries, Torrance, Calif., has appointed Ramsey G. DiLibero chief operating officer.... Peerless Pump Co., Indianapolis, has an-nounced the following promotions: Robert L. Parrin, vice president, international operations and business development; Tim Killion, marketing manager; and John Kahren, international sales director.... Robert C. Marini, president and CEO of Camp Dresser & McKee Inc., Cambridge, Mass., has been named president-elect of the American Academy of Environmental Engineers, Annapo-lis, Md. Also, Roger Dolan, general manager of the Central Contra Costa Sanitation District, has been elected vice president and Charles O. Velzy, the retired president of Velzy/ Weston, has been elected treasurer.... Mary Sherbinsky Lomont has been elected chairman of the board of Special Trucks Inc., Fort Wayne, Ind. The company also has appointed Michael Baum chief operations officer and Nancy Fackler chief financial officer.... Environmental Indus-try Associations (EIA), Washington, D.C., has appointed the following members to the board of trustees: Lee Brandsma, Groot Industries, Elk Grove Village, Ill.; William F. Leone, Waste Services Inc., Rockaway Beach, N.Y.; Robert C. Duncan, J.C. Duncan Co., Arlington, Texas; Wil-liam P. Hulligan, Waste Management Inc. - Midwest, Westchester, Ill.; Ronald McCracken, Bes-Pac Inc., Easley, S.C.; Richard J. Pastor, Envirosafe Management Services Inc., King of Prussia, Pa.; and Char-les S. Wilson, Truk-Away of Rhode Island Inc., Warwick, R.I. Eugene J. Wingerter is EIA's executive director and CEO.
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