Oregon Students Create: Award-Winning Recycling ProgramsOregon Students Create: Award-Winning Recycling Programs
July 1, 1995
Portland, Ore. - School children have been just one of the many driving forces behind the recycling movement, and Oregon students are no exception.
For example, Mi-chael James Olson of Lakeview High School, Lakeview, Ore., recently re-ceived the Steele Gale Martin Recyc-ling Achievement A-ward from the Asso-ciation of Oregon Recyclers and the Oregon Depart-ment of Environmental Quality. In addition, Deep Creek Elementary School, Boring, Ore., and Oregon City High School are the winners of the state's annual Waste Reduction Award Program (WRAP).
Olson was chosen for designing a recycling program for the Oregon chapters of the U.S. Forest Service and the Bureau of Land Manage-ment. His plan includes collecting, sorting and transporting recovered paper to a market 175 miles away.
Deep Creek Ele-mentary School re-ceived its WRAP a-ward for recycling efforts that reportedly reduced the school's waste by 74 percent. As "citizen scientists," the students collect and sort paper, newspaper, magazines, corrugated cardboard and steel cans, tracking the savings with a spreadsheet they designed themselves.
Oregon City High School students also collect and recycle paper and newspaper, using the revenue for a school beautification program.
The Steele Gale Martin award is given each year to an Oregon student, class or school showing outstanding achievement in waste reduction and recycling. The WRAP awards are given to public or private elementary and secondary schools with outstanding waste reduction programs.
New Facilities Winamac, Ind.-based Galbreath Inc., has moved its Texas operations to a facility in Mansfield, Texas.
American Baler Co., Cincin-nati, has opened a facility for international sales.
Coleman Tool & Mfg. Corp., Kenosha, Wis., has opened its second Wisconsin facility.
New Office SCS Engineers, Cincinnati, has opened an of-fice in Detroit. The new ad-dress is: 2000 Oakley Park Rd., Suite 205 B-5, Walled Lake, Mich. 48390. (810) 960-0555. Fax: (810) 669-5567.
Permit Leatherwood Inc., Indiana, Pa., has received a permit from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources to construct a landfill in Jefferson County, Pa.
Project Completion The Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Tallahassee, Fla., and Polk County, Fla., have completed the remediation of a 20-acre waste tire site in Polk City, Fla.
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