Notice: ECUA Solicits Bids for Non-Processible Solid Waste Disposal ServicesNotice: ECUA Solicits Bids for Non-Processible Solid Waste Disposal Services

July 13, 2020

5 Min Read

Notice is hereby given that the Essex County Utilities Authority (the "Authority" or the “ECUA”), in its capacity as the implementing agency for the Essex County Solid Waste Management District, is soliciting bids in a non-discriminatory, public procurement process for the provision of the transfer, transportation, and disposal of approximately 200,000 tons annually of Type 13, 23 (non-processible portion), and 27 (non- hazardous industrial waste) ("Acceptable Waste") Solid Waste generated in Essex County ("Combined Services").

Procurement of the Combined Services is being undertaken by the Authority pursuant to and in Accordance with the provisions of the New Jersey Local Public Contract Law (N.J.S.A. 40:11-1 et sea.).

Sealed bids will be received by the Authority at its Administrative Offices, the Leroy F. Smith Public Safety Building, 60 Nelson Place, 6th Floor, Newark, NJ 07102 by overnight mail service, including USPS, Federal Express, UPS or other overnight mail service only on or before August 14, 2020 at 2:00 p.m., (New York City time). Bids forwarded by hand delivery, facsimile or email transmission will not be accepted.

A Combined Services Agreement, if awarded, shall be for a term of five (5) years, commencing on or about January 1, 2021. A detailed description of the services required by the Authority are set forth in the attached BidSpecifications.

The Bid Specifications may be obtained, on or after July 17, 2017 on the ECUA Web Site at

Bids must be submitted in writing on the forms furnished by the ECUA in the Bid Specifications. Bids must be accompanied by a bid security in the amount of $20,000. The Bid Security shall be in the form of a certified check, cashier's check or bid bond payable to the ECUA.

Successful Bidders will be required to submit performance security, in the form of a performance bond or a letter of credit subsequent to Notice of Award, but prior to contract execution. At the time of Bid submission, all Bidders will be required to submit a consent of either a surety or bank indicating that such surety or bank will provide the performance bond or letter of credit, as appropriate if the Bidder is selected to perform the services. In order to be deemed responsive, all Bids also shall be submitted in accordance with, and accompanied by, any other information and documents specified in or required by the Bid Specifications

No Bids will be received after the time, date and place indicated above. The ECUA reserves the right to reject any or all bids, waive any information in the bids, that, in its judgment, best serves the interest of the ECUA, all in accordance with the New Jersey Local Public Contracts Law.

On March 9, 2020, Governor Murphy declared that a Public Health Emergency and State of Emergency existed in New Jersey because of the novel corona virus (“COVID-19”) and issued Executive Order 103. State and Federal public health experts, including those at the Center for Disease Control (“CDC”), believe COVID-19 will continue to spread at exponential rates unless aggressive action is taken to reduce person-to-person contact. In recognition of these unprecedented conditions, for public health reasons, the Authority cannot accommodate

in-person attendance at the bid opening taking place on August 14, 2020. Consequently, attendance by the bidders and the public is prohibited. In accordance with the most recent guidelines provided by the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs (Division of Local Government Services) the bid opening will be broadcast live from the Authority’s facility by virtual means via Zoom. Any party interested in viewing the bid opening must contact the Authority via email on or before August 13, 2020 at 4:00 pm. Emails must be sent to [email protected]. The email should include your name, telephone number and email address indicating you would like to view the bid opening. If your email is received prior to the August 13, 2020, 4:00 pm deadline, you will receive the Zoom connection instructions to view the bid opening. Participating via virtual means is free of charge to the public. There will be no public comment regardless of how you access the bid opening.

At the bid opening, the title of the bid will be clearly announced. The Authority will display each sealed bid package, back and front, for the camera prior to opening the bid. The contents of each bid package shall be  read aloud upon opening, including the price(s) and noting the presence of any documents required to be part of the bidsubmission.

After the close of the bid opening, due to the anticipated volume of documents submitted in response to the bid solicitation, the bid pricing sheet and document check list shall be posted on the Authority’s website for each bid. Instructions will be provided to all bidders with the full web address where the bid results can be found.

Bidders and members of the public may inspect each bid package upon request by contacting the ECUA by email for an appointment. Emails must be sent to [email protected] indicating that you would like to schedule an appointment to view the bid packages making sure to include your name, telephone number and email address.

Each Bid shall be submitted in a sealed envelope or sealed box addressed to the ECUA at the Leroy Smith Public Safety Building, 60 Nelson Place, 6th Floor, Newark, New Jersey 07102, bearing the name and address of the bidder, upon which shall be designated:


The Essex County Utilities Authority

Elmer J. Herrmann, Jr., Acting Executive Director

Dated: July 10,2020

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