Industry ContactsIndustry Contacts

March 1, 2007

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WasteExpo Information about the waste industry's largest trade show, organized by Penton Media.

BUSINESS Small Business Development Centers This is a national list of Small Business Development Centers (SBDC) that can be found on the American Express Web Site. SBDCs provide free planning and management assistance to small businesses.

U.S. NonProfit Gateway Site launched by former Vice President Al Gore as a central starting point to help non-profit organizations access online Federal information and services. It is a fine example to other open governments.

COMPOSTING Cornell Composting Sponsored by the Department of Agricultural and Biological Engineering at Cornell University, this site is a great starting point for composting research.

The Composting Council Research & Education Foundation.

GENERAL INFORMATION Construction Materials Recycling Association The CMRA is a non-profit education trade group that provides its members with a comprehensive list of literature and other information on recycled construction materials. CMRA represents its members at trade shows and seminars, and provided comments to the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency regarding its recent C&D debris recycling waste characterization study.

Enivronmental Industry Associations The EIA oversees the National Solid Wastes Management Association and the Waste Equipment Technology Association.

Environmental Resources Management

Environ$en$e Enviro$en$e is part of the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Web network and is a comprehensive clearinghouse on pollution prevention and related subjects. In particular, an integrated solvent substitution data system permits users to search a large number of independent databases through a single query. There are links to national pollution prevention organizations as well as other waste reduction information resources.

Materials Exchanges on the Web This is a comprehensive list of North American materials exchanges that was developed through the Kentucky Industrial Materials Exchange. A materials exchange is a service for matching generators of specific wastes with individuals or companies that can use them. This list includes available web site and e-mail addresses.

European Energy-from-Waste Coalition EEWC champions the recovery of energy from waste as one environmentally sensible component in an integrated waste management strategy. The site contains descriptions of systems, a regular newsletter and an inquiry service.

Fleet Owner magazine Waste Age's sister publication.


New York State association for Solid Waste Management.

Ontario Waste Management Association

Solid Waste Association of North America (SWANA) This site provides links to information on SWANA conferences, professional training courses and technical publications. The latter includes research sponsored by SWANA and other organizations on innovative waste management technologies and practices.

U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) The EPA site has a wealth of technical, educational and regulatory information on municipal solid wastes, hazardous wastes, other types of waste materials, recycling, pollution prevention and waste reduction. There are many general educational and technical documents available for downloading. Good starting points would be either the Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response Home Page or the Projects & Programs page. Recommended program pages include the Landfill Methane Outreach Program, Waste Wi$e and Pay-As-You-Throw pages. Because the EPA site is so large, the use of its search engine is advised.

RECYCLING American Forest & Paper Association General information on paper and wood recycling is provided on the recycling page. A notable resource is the National Wood Recycling Directory, a searchable database. Users can search for wood recycling companies based on company name, geographic criteria such as state or county and by type of wood waste accepted.

Association of Municipal Recycling Coordinators

Association of New Jersey Recyclers

Association of Oregon Recyclers.

Association of Vermont Recyclers

Bureau of International Recyclers International federation of the world's recycling industries.

Californians Against Waste

California Integrated Waste Management Board (CIWMB) This is one of the most well-developed state government sites devoted to waste management, recycling and waste reduction issues and includes factsheets, downloadable files and databases. A new addition is the solid waste characterization page which provides the composition of waste originating from various sources such as residences and businesses. The publications section allows users to search and order documents published by the CIWMB.

California Resource Recovery Association

Caribbean Recycling Foundation

Carolina Recycling Association

Colorado Recycles

Georgia Recycling Coalition

Global Recycling Network (GRN) GRN is a good reference for recycling and waste management issues. This site has comprehensive directory lists for associations, companies, government agencies, products and publications. This site also links to the "Recyclables Exchange,"; an Internet-based, buy-and-sell trading system for recyclable commodities. This system is a cooperative effort between GRN and the Chicago Board of Trade.

Illinois Recycling Association

Indiana Recycling Coalition

Kansas Recyclers Association

Maryland Recyclers Coalition

Missouri Recycling Association

New York State Association for Reduction, Reuse and Recycling

Northern California Recycling Association

Pennsylvania Resources Council

Plastics Resources This site was developed by the American Plastics Council (APC), and focuses on plastic that can be recovered by municipal recycling programs. It includes information on plastics, plastics recycling and applications for recycled plastics.

Public Recycling Officials of Pennsylvania

RecycleFlorida Today

Recycle Iowa

RecycleNet A 24-hour bulletin board system for recyclers. Maintained by the Colorado Governor's Office of Energy Conservation and funded by the U.S.Environmental Protection Agency Region VIII.

Recycler's World Worldwide site for finding information related to secondary or recyclable commodities byproducts used and surplus items or materials.

Recycling Coalition of Texas

Recycling Council of Alberta

Recycling Council of British Columbia

Recycling Council of Ontario Non-profit organization representing businesses, government and community groups to inform/educate society about waste generation and more efficient uses of resources and consequences and benefits.

Resource Conservation Manitoba

Saskatchewan Waste Reduction Council

Tennessee Recycling Coalition

Washington Refuse and Recycling Association

Washington State Recycling Association

Wyoming Recycling

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