I Am the Very Model of a Modern Waste ReceptacleI Am the Very Model of a Modern Waste Receptacle
May 17, 2010
It is a well-known fact that you can make anything more endearing by endowing it with the ability to sing. It’s true for frogs. It’s true for raisins. And it’s apparently true for waste receptacles.
In a public service campaign adopted by municipalities around the country (most recently by Jackson Township, N.J.), young recycling bin Mikey is mentored by his older, wiser cohort, Herb, a trash bin. The spots, developed by Artisan Media Studios, a San Diego-based marketing and media firm, often result in one or both of the containers breaking out into song, such as a rendition of the Beach Boys’ “Sloop John B” with recycling-centered lyrics.
The spots work on two levels: Either you find them delightful and are compelled to recycle, or you want to shove recyclables into the bins’ mouths to shut them up.
Source: Artisian Media Studios
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