Flagler Beach’s MRF Upcycles for Community NeedsFlagler Beach’s MRF Upcycles for Community Needs

In Florida, Flagler Beach’s recycling is run by the city, and all that material it’s brought to a material recovery facility (MRF) for upcycling.

May 15, 2023

1 Min Read
florida boardwalk.jpg
Robert Zehetmayer / Alamy Stock Photo

In Florida, Flagler Beach’s recycling is run by the city, and all that material it’s brought to a material recovery facility (MRF) for upcycling.

The MRF is run by sanitation supervisor Rob Smith and under his leadership, Flagler Beach’s recycling has completely changed. The MRF takes in glass, aluminum, and tin and now with its partnership with NexTrex, the MRF can process thin plastics.

Kelly Driscoll heads the program that leads to partnerships, such as the one with Flagler Beach.

“We upcycled about 430 million pounds of polyethylene film,” said Driscoll.

NexTrex works with partners to pay for balers, mixing materials with sawdust to produce a composite material that can be used to create things like decks, park benches, and Flagler Beach’s boardwalk.

Flagler Beach is also starting to grind down glass to be made into a fine material reminiscent of sand, which will be used for landscaping or filling up sandbags for hurricane season.

“If I can keep their [Flagler Beach residents] trash bills low as possible and still provide a good service, and do something with the material, that I truly know is being done with it. Instead of hoping. That’s a win-win. That’s what it’s all about to me,” said Smith.

Watch the full video here.

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