Fla. County Plans To Upgrade,: Retrofit Refuse-Derived-Fuel FacilityFla. County Plans To Upgrade,: Retrofit Refuse-Derived-Fuel Facility
July 1, 1995
Dade County, Fla. - Dade Coun-ty, Fla., has announced plans to ret-rofit and upgrade the air quality control system at its resources re- covery facility, operated by Mon-tenay Power Corp., New York. The county also plans to add an 865-ton-per-day (tpd) trash-to-fuel capability to produce biomass fuel for a nearby cogeneration facility.
The air quality control retrofit at the 3,000-tpd refuse-derived-fuel facility is designed to meet U.S. En-vironmental Protection Agency and Florida Department of Environmen-tal Protection emissions requirements into the next century. The ret-rofit will include installation of lime spray scrubbers, bag filters, continuous emissions monitoring systems and a mercury control system. Of-ficials project the retrofit will be op-erational by late 1997.
In addition, the front-end trash-to-fuel facility reportedly will add nearly 30 percent to the resources recov-ery facility's current capacity. First, Dade County's bulky waste, which is high in woody biomass content, will be sorted to recover recyclables. The remaining biomass will be combined with sugar cane bagasse at the nearby, newly constructed cogeneration facility. Power produced at the cogeneration facility will go to the local utility company and an adjacent sugar mill.
The design of the trash-to-fuel fa-cility draws heavily on existing e-quipment and installations to minimize construction and operations costs, according to Montenay officials. Start-up is scheduled for late 1996.
The air quality retrofit reportedly will require a capital investment of $62.3 million, with the trash-to-fuel upgrade costing $26.3 million. Mon-tenay will finance both projects for Dade County.
Award The City of the Col-ony, Texas, has been awarded Best Municipal Recycling Pro-gram by the Recycling Coali-tion of Texas.
Contracts The City of Hous-ton has contracted with Zarn Inc., Reidsville, N.C., to supply the city with carts manufactured from 50 percent post-consumer resin.
Los Alamos Technical Asso-ciates Inc., Albuquerque, N.M., has received a solid waste disposal technical services support contract for the Depart-ment of Energy's Hanford site.
SSB Environmental Inc., Al-bany, N.Y., has been contracted by Browning-Ferris Indus-tries, Houston, to conduct a feasibility study of landfill reclamation at the East Bridge-water, Mass., site.
Parsons Engineering Science Inc., Pasadena, Calif., has received a remedial design and preconstruction services contract for the Lowry Landfill Superfund site near Denver.
Pencor Environmental Ventures Inc., Baltimore, has contracted with Kvaerner Hymac Corp., Roswell, Ga., Morse Diesel International, New York, N.Y., and Sea Crest Construction Co., Freeport, N.Y., to build a waste paper recycling and de-inking facility in Bow, N.H.
Facility Expansion Travis Body & Trailer, Houston, has recently expanded its facility, to include a 20,000 square feet.
Fiscal Chambers Development Co. Inc., Pittsburgh, has reported a net loss of $5.3 million for the first quarter of 1995. The loss includes charges of $4.6 million for current and anticipated refinancing of the company's lending agreements, severance benefits and merger-related expenses. Revenues reportedly were $54.7 million, compared with $59.8 million in the first quarter of 1994.
Grants The California Integrated Waste Management Board, Sacramento, Calif., will approved funding for the cleanup of the Booker waste tire site in Fresno County, the Hall waste tire site in Los Angeles County, the Round Valley illegal dumping sites in Mendocino County and an abandoned steel mill site in Alameda County.
Joint Venture Chemical Waste Management Inc., Oak Brook, Ill., and Advanced Environmental Technology Corp., Flanders, N.J., have formed Advanced Environmental Technical Services, L.L.C., a joint venture to provide technical support services for hazardous waste management.
Market Assessment GBB, Falls Church, Va., has been selected by Clean Washington Center, a division of the Washington State Department of Community, Trade and Economic Development, to conduct a market assessment of construction, demolition and landclearing debris.
New Company The Resource Recovery Group of Rader Companies, Memphis, Tenn., a division of Beloit Corp., has become Rader Resource Recovery Inc., a Delaware Corp.
New Facility Galbreath Inc., Winamac, Ind., has moved its Texas operations to a facility in Mansfield, Texas.
New Office SCS Engineers, Cincinnati, has opened a new office in Detroit. The new address is: 2000 Oakley Park Rd., Suite 205 B-5, Walled Lake, Mich. 48390. (810) 960-0555. Fax: (810) 669-5567.
Permit Leatherwood Inc., Indiana, Pa., has received a permit from the Pennsylvania Department of Environmental Resources to construct a landfill in Jefferson County, Pa.
Project Completion The Florida Department of Environmental Protection, Tallahassee, Fla., and Polk County, Fla., have completed the remediation of a 20-acre waste tire site in Polk City, Fla.
New Facility American Baler Co., Cincinnati, has opened a new facility for its international sales and exports.
Coleman Tool & Mfg. Corp., Kenosha, Wis., has announced the opening of its second Wisconsin manufacturing facility.
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