EPA Streamlines Universal Waste RegulationsEPA Streamlines Universal Waste Regulations
June 1, 1995
Washington D.C. - Retailers and others who generate or handle batteries, pesticides and mercury-containing thermostats do not have to comply with RCRA Subtitle C paperwork requirements and certain technical standards, according to a final rule promulgated by the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) in May.
As part of an effort to reduce regulatory burdens without compromising environmental protection, the rule streamlines hazardous waste regulations, making it easier for consumers and businesses to recycle these widely-generated "universal wastes." At the same time, the rule aims to ensure safe collection, recycling, processing and treatment of the wastes, according to Michael Shapiro, director of the EPA Office of Solid Waste.
Although households and small businesses are the main generators of these wastes, retailers have been reluctant to accept them because of concerns that the wastes originated from regulated hazardous waste generators. If that were the case, all the collected wastes would be subject to full RCRA Subtitle C regulatory requirements.
However, with the reduced regulations, EPA expects an increase in national, state and local universal wastes collection and recycling programs. In turn, this will ensure that the wastes go to hazardous waste recycling and disposal facilities rather than less-regulated municipal solid waste landfills and incinerators, Shapiro said.
As states adopt the rule, they can include a petition process which will allow them to add wastes to their universal waste program, without requiring the wastes to be added at the federal level. The rule also encourages partnerships between state and federal government agencies as well as public and private sector partnerships, Shapiro said.
For more information on the universal waste rule, contact the RCRA Information Center, U.S. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Solid Waste (5305), 401 M St., S.W., Washington D.C. 20460. Or call the RCRA hotline at 1-800-424-9346.
Accreditation TRI/ Environmental Inc., Austin, Texas, has received accreditation from the Geosynthetic Accreditation Institute, Philadelphia.
Acquisitions MAC Corp. and its affiliate Granutech-Saturn Systems Corp., Grand Prairie, Texas, have acquired the assets of Ohio-based Granutech Environmental Systems Inc.
Continental Recycling Inc., Calgary, Alberta, Canada, has acquired a Syracuse, N.Y., glass recycling facility from Resource Recycling Inc., Vestal, N.Y.
Gundle Lining Systems Inc., Houston, has purchased PG Technology Co., Spearfish, S.D.
Alliance Leach Co., Oshkosh, Wis., has formed an alliance with Wayne Engineering, Cedar Falls, Iowa.
Award Renew America, Washington, D.C., has presented the California Integrated Waste Management Board, Sacramento, Calif., with an environmental sustainability award for its recycling market development zone program.
Contracts Rader Co., Memphis, Tenn., Metric Constructors, Charlotte, N.C., Kvaerner Enviropower, Sweden, and Quixx Power Services, Amarillo, Texas, have contracted with the E.I. du Pont de Nemours Co. Fayetteville Works Plant, Fayetteville, N.C., to develop a refuse-derived fuel system.
PRC Environmental Management, McLean, Va., has received a contract from the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency's Office of Solid Waste and Emergency Response to disseminate technical information.
R.W. Beck, Seattle, has been contracted by California's Mojave Joint Powers Authority to review the finances of the Victor Valley, Calif., materials recovery facility.
Distributors Lindemann Recycling Equipment Inc., Pineville, N.C., has named the following distributors: Quality Recycling Equipment Inc., Hendersonville, N.C.; Mayne Machinery, Waco, Texas; TSI-Noble Inc., Whitefish Bay, Wis.; Waste Reduction Systems, Memphis, Tenn.; and Westpak Equipment, Boise, Idaho.
Facility Expansion The Solid Waste Authority of Palm County, Fla., has expanded its composting facility to 120,000 square feet.
Installation Mosley Machinery Co., Waco, Texas, will install a baler in the Western Galilee and Haifa Bay Compost Co., Haifa, Israel.
Merger Harris Waste Management Group and Crosby Group, subsidiaries of Amdura Corp., Peachtree City, Ga., will merge with FKI plc, a holding company in Great Britain.
Name Changes Hendrickson International, Woodridge, Ill., has renamed several divisions and restructured its auxiliary axle lift business. Hendrickson Suspension is now Hendrickson Truck Suspension Systems; Hendrickson Turner is now Hendrickson Trailer Suspension Systems; and Hendrickson Turner Canada has been renamed Hendrickson Canada.
New Division The Toro Co. in Bloomington, Minn., has formed a Recycling Equipment Division to manufacture and market recycling equipment.
New Facility American Baler Co., Cincinnati, has opened a new facility for its international sales and exports.
Patent Extension Otto Industries Inc., Charlotte, N.C., has received a patent extension for its All-In-One Collection System.
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