Best: Rear Loader City Of Muscatine Muscatine, IowaBest: Rear Loader City Of Muscatine Muscatine, Iowa
July 1, 1995
The sanitation department in the city of Muscatine, Iowa, believes that "Muscatine's Beauty is Every-one's Duty."
With this attractive rear loader, Debbie Yerington, refuse collection supervisor for the city, is making sure that everyone does their part.
As part of a May Day City Clean-up Day in 1993, the sanitation de-partment sponsored a poster contest for elementary and middle school students to design a rear loader truck. The winning design was conceived by Muscatine middle school student Nick Ziegler.
The city's fleet has five trucks, each of which has a different design and striping detail. This truck serves approximately 8,000 residential and 300 commercial accounts.
"Once the winner was selected, Denny Brady and John Purvis of the city's Public Works night crew de-signed and painted the striping," said Yerington. They chose the colors red, yellow, brown and white to match the people on the winning poster.
"The World Wastes contest is the only contest we have ever entered. We are very pleased." said Yerington.
Commercial Container New Style Waste Maspeth, N.Y.
Everyday New Style Waste Removal, Maspeth, N.Y., "pitches in" for the N.Y. Mets as it collects garbage from the team's home city of Flushing, N.Y.
The company's winning commercial container entry is manufactured by JC Industries and is appropriately decorated with the logo, "New Style Waste Proudly Services and Congratulates the N.Y Mets." The container and its design are one of several that the company owns.
According to Vice President Lauren Cristina, New Style was one of the first to customize roll-off containers in the N.Y. metropolitan area. "We take pride in our trucks and containers," she said. "Customizing our containers is one way to show our customers our appreciation for their business, not to mention it's good advertising. Improving the look of a dull rusted container to a bright and colorful design gives a more professional appearance not only to us, but to the community."
Transfer Trailer Turlock Scavenger Co. Turlock, Calif.
Winning Best Transfer Trailer puts the icing on the cake for celebrating 60 years of business. And Turlock Scavenger Co., Turlock, Calif., did just that.
When the designers were developing a strategy for the Turlock Scavenger transfer trailer's exterior, they asked themselves what kind of design would make customers think of improving the environment. They decided on this yellow, green and blue-colored refuse vehicle to represent air, land and water, said Alan C. Marchant, president of the company.
The logo's concept came from the three Turlock companies: Turlock Scavenger Co., which picks up waste; Turlock Recycling Co., which recycles waste; and Turlock Transfer Co., which transfers waste for disposal.
The Ford CLT 9000 services more than 15,000 households in the City of Turlock and the surrounding area of Stanislaus County.
"This is the first time the truck's been shown," said Marchant. "What a BIG win!"
Roll-Off City of Flagstaff Flagstaff, Ariz.
Kim Podobnik has no idea where her winning roll-off container originated. "Somebody donated it to us and even they don't know where it came from!" she said. Podobnik, coordinator of the city of Flagstaff, Ariz., Clean & Green Committee, doesn't seem to care where the bin came from. She's just grateful it came.
The bin, which was donated to help community volunteers in their neighborhood clean-up projects, was repainted in 1993. "It was in desperate need of a paint job," said Podobnik.
The 30-yard roll-off was designed by Joan Carstensen, a graphic designer who volunteered her services. Cartensen, who won a "Volunteer of the Year" award, also designed a daisy scene for a 20-yard container.
"If the bins were provided free of cost and dumping fees waived for community clean-up, we believed that more people would participate in the program. People have come to realize that when the bins are out, it is time to clean their yards and neighborhoods," Podobnik said.
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