Best International Vehicle: Thiess Contractors Brisbane, AustraliaBest International Vehicle: Thiess Contractors Brisbane, Australia
July 1, 1995
Recycling vehicles are leading the pack in this year's Design Contest.
This entry, "Crocodile Dump-dee" as one World Wastes judge so aptly stated, is owned by Thiess Contractors, in Brisbane Aus-tralia.
The seven matching Navistar In-ternational trucks can be seen throughout the coastal city of Wol-longong, Australia. They service more than 64,000 households in Wollongong's curbside recycling program.
According to John Davis, national manager for environmental services at Thiess, the unique "Be A Wiz" logo refers to the nickname of former world motorcycle champion and "one of Wollongong's favorite sons, Wayne Gardner."
Also included in the logo is a lighthouse, the Wollongong city symbol.
Davis said two similar recycling trucks are currently operating in a-nother Australian city.
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