Are You A Member or Do You Just Belong?Are You A Member or Do You Just Belong?

November 1, 1999

3 Min Read
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Kim Benz

The meaning of membership in a trade association can sound as simple as "I pay my dues each year." But the true meaning of trade association membership should be: "I contribute to the causes of my industry, in which I do business." Saying you pay your dues each year is not enough.

For more than 35 years, the Environmental Industry Associations (EIA), Washington, D.C., has represented companies and individuals engaged in virtually all aspects of commercial waste management. For efficiency, EIA serves as the umbrella for two sub-associations that specialize in different but complimentary aspects of waste management.

NSWMA The National Solid Wastes Management Association (NSWMA) represents for-profit companies providing solid, hazardous and medical waste collection, recycling and disposal services, remedial clean-ups, and companies providing professional and consulting services to the industry. If this is your industry in which you do business, you should be a NSWMA member!

Becoming a NSWMA member signifies that your company is ready to join forces with other companies to advance the industry as a whole.

NSWMA membership will keep you and your business on top of vital, ever-changing issues. You'll network with and learn from your peers, solve problems and discover opportunities. Waste management professionals also are kept abreast of their industry through programs that include:

* State and Federal Affairs;

* Institute and Councils;

* Legal Services;

* Information and Research Sources;

* Safety Standards and Programs;

* Meetings and Conferences; and

* Image Enhancement.

NSWMA membership means: A company and its professionals are actively participating in and contributing to the cause for the advancement of their industry through their centralized voice.

WASTEC The Waste Equipment Technology Association (WASTEC) represents companies that design, build, distribute, service, support, and sell the equipment and technology used in the waste services and recycling industries.

Whether you're a manufacturer, distributor or consultant in this industry, WASTEC membership is your company's voice in your industry. Join WASTEC today to get your voice heard!

Becoming a WASTEC member signifies that your company is ready to take a lead in the future advancement of the industry. You will join with the forces of more than 250 other manufacturers, distributors and consultants to tackle old, new and unforeseen issues. WASTEC's strength is in its numbers!

WASTEC also will provide your company enhanced visibility in the marketplace, input in the development of industry equipment standards, critical insider information unavailable elsewhere, and advocacy to government, the media and public. You will have access to programs that include:

* Market Enhancement;

* Executive;

* Technical;

* Informational Resources;

* Federal Affairs;

* Legal Services;

* Safety and Standards; and

* Meetings and Conferences.

WASTEC membership means: Companies focusing and providing technology solutions for the world of waste.

Consider the thought:

Are you an active member, The kind that would be missed, Or are you just contented, That your name is on the list?

Do you attend the meetings, And mingle with the flock, Or do you stay home, And criticize and knock?

Do you take an active part, To help the work along? Or are you satisfied to be The kind that just belongs?

Do you ever work on committees, To see there is no trick? Or leave the work to just a few, And talk about the clique?

So come to meetings often, And help with hand and heart, Don't just be a member, But take an active part.

Think it over, friend, You know right from wrong, Are you an active member, Or do you just belong?

Source: Unknown

The power of an association is as strong as its force of members. If you are ready to climb aboard, the EIA will welcome you into its family! Phone: (800) 424-2869.

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