Greenpeace and iFixit Call Out Smartphone Companies Over E-WasteGreenpeace and iFixit Call Out Smartphone Companies Over E-Waste

According to a recent report conducted by Greenpeace and iPixit, repairability wasn’t a major feature for most of the smartphones, tablets and laptops that were assessed.

Waste360 Staff, Staff

June 29, 2017

1 Min Read
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Earlier this year, Greenpeace called out Samsung for its failure to produce a recycling plan for its recalled smartphones. Now, the nongovernmental environmental organization has teamed up with iFixit to launch a report on mobile devices and how repairable companies make their products.

According to the report, repairability wasn’t a major feature for most of the smartphones, tablets and laptops that the duo assessed.

Engadget has more details:

Greenpeace likes to keep tabs on tech companies, highlighting where they're going wrong when it comes to clean technology and how they can improve. Earlier this year, the organization released its report on how the IT sector consumes energy and they ranked a number of companies on both their energy consumption practices as well as their transparency. Greenpeace's latest report takes on mobile devices and how repairable companies make their products.

While it's obvious why companies don't want to make it easy to fix their devices -- buying a new one is better for them -- not being able to repair mobile devices has become a major problem. If it can't be fixed, it's most likely just going to be thrown out and all of that e-waste just continues to pile up. Repairability is a green issue.

Read the full story here.

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