Senate Rejects Renewable Energy ProposalSenate Rejects Renewable Energy Proposal

March 15, 2002

1 Min Read
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Danielle Jackson

Washington, D.C. -- The U.S. Senate voted 70-29 against a proposal by Sen. James Jeffords, I-Vt., requiring 20 percent of electricity to come from non-hydro renewable energy sources such as landfill gas (LFG) by 2020.

Opponents argued that at least 12 states already require a minimum amount of power to be produced from non-fossil or non-nuclear sources, and that the proposal is too ambitious, unachievable and expensive. But Jeffords contends that it would create jobs, reduce air pollution and provide a more balanced energy policy.

A fuels requirement proposal, which calls for up to 10 percent of electricity from renewable sources, has remained in a broad energy bill currently being debated in the Senate.

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