NRC Postpones Conference Until January 2446NRC Postpones Conference Until January 2446
September 20, 2001
Patricia-Anne Tom, Managing Editor
Alexandria, Va. -- The National Recycling Coalition (NRC) has decided to move its Annual Congress and Exposition to Jan. 13-16, 2002, in Seattle. The conference originally was scheduled to be held Sept. 30 -Oct. 3, 2001, and the NRC initially said it would hold the conference as planned. But in the past week, "because of both the emotional reactions and logistical problems resulting from the [Sept. 11] terrorist attacks, a number of moderators, speakers and exhibitors were either unable or unwilling to participate" at the originally scheduled date, says Paul Baldridge, NRC president.
The Washington State Convention and Trade Center, and the Sheraton Hotel have agreed to move NRC's conference to the new dates, and NRC is working with other hotels on the date change as well.
All registrations and exhibitions will automatically be moved to the January dates without penalty. The NRC also will release an additional program update and registration form with a new registration deadline.
A new cancellation policy for people who have already registered but are unable to attend at the new dates is being developed and will be distributed in the next few days.
For more information, visit
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