FBI to Check Hazmat Truckers' RecordsFBI to Check Hazmat Truckers' Records

September 26, 2001

1 Min Read
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Danielle Jackson

Washington, D.C. -- The Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) is starting a nationwide records check on all truck drivers licensed to carry hazardous materials, stemming from evidence that the hijackers implicated in this month's terrorist attacks had sought or held licenses to transport these materials.

According to a CNN.com report, the FBI is compiling a list of all companies licensed by the Department of Transportation (DOT) to handle hazardous chemicals and plans to search each company's records to check all employees licensed to drive hazardous materials tankers and trucks.

Ashcroft has urged anyone with knowledge of "suspicious circumstances" regarding hazardous materials or crop-dusting aircraft to contact the FBI. Visit the FBI's website at www.fbi.gov for contact information.

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